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How to : App Branding

Personalize Your Own Mobile Application!
1 min read Last Updated: Mar 21, 2024
Learn / Personalization & Setup / How to : App Branding

How to : App Branding

Once you’ve signed up, you will have access to the Creator Tutorial and all its features.

Personalize Section

The first one is the Personalize section, where you can adjust all the visual parameters for your app’s branding.

App Name

We’ll start by entering the name of your app. This will appear on the Apple and Google Play stores, as well as within the users’ mobile devices. In order to follow proper store guidelines, there is a character limit of 30.

App Icon

After entering your app’s name, you must upload an app icon. We recommend that the size of your image be 512px x 512px, Jpg, png and svg formats are accepted. You can crop the image after uploading

Splash Screen

The splash screen is what users will see once users launch the app. It will also have the login button at the bottom if it is required. If not, the splash screen will simply appear for a second when launching the app, before going to the Home Feed.

Once your app name is entered and your app icon has uploaded, we can move on the logo. This logo will appear on the splash screen once the app is launched.

Splash Image

The next element to your splash screen is the splash image. 375px x 812px is the recommended size, however it is possible to crop a larger image.

It is also possible to create your own splash image using our built-in color wheel and gradient bar.

The gradient overlay helps the login button stand out. We recommend trying out a few different options, since some color options may suit your splash image and logo better than others.

If you wish to hide the logo on the splash screen, that is also possible.

Login Button

Designing the login button is the final step in designing your app. We can once again choose an appropriate color with the integrated wheel and gradient bar.

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