Creator Portal - <!-- -->How to : Choose a Plan and Upgrade

How to : Choose a Plan and Upgrade

1 min read Last Updated: Feb 12, 2024
Learn / Personalization & Setup / How to : Choose a Plan and Upgrade

How to : Choose a Plan and Upgrade

Once you’ve completed the layout section for your application click on the your plan tab.

On this section you will see three options for your plan, Start, Grow and Pro.

Selecting your plan

Depending on your needs as an artist and creator choosing the right plan for you is an important step. We’ve made it easy for you to narrow down these options. Don’t worry if your needs change you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time.


Price: $49.95/mo $599.40 yr

This plan is selected for artists who are just starting out and would like to sell music and host live streams. Limited monetization features however all the barebone necessities to get started. Limit of 250 subscriptions.


Price: $74.95/mo $899.40 yr

This plan is selected for artists who are breaking the scene and are looking for more than just the bare necessities. This plan allows for a full shopify integration in app as well as two way live streaming and export of emails for email campaigns. Limit of 500 subscriptions.


Price: $99.95/mo $1199.40 yr

Our most extensive plan for fan engagement including a monetization strategy. Allows for all the benefits of the pro plan and more. Up to 6 guests in livestream as well as unlimited push notifications, daily activation reports and a monetization strategy. Give your fans the most from their in app experience.

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