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How-To : Sell Exclusive Music

Monetize Your Music and More!
Less than 1 min read Last Updated: Mar 25, 2024
Learn / Creating New Revenue Streams / How-To : Sell Exclusive Music

How To : Sell Exclusive Music

Within your own personalized app, adding music exclusive to paying members is a fully integrated feature. It is also possible to sell music directly to your fans at any price you choose.

Add Music

In order to add music inside your app on an album, navigate to the More Menu, which is located in the navigation bar at the bottom right corner of your app represented as three dots. Scrolling down the More Menu reveals the Tracks and Albums features.

In either menu, tapping on the “+” in the top right corner will allow you to add any music from your device. If you want to sell music as an Exclusive, it must be added as an album, even if it's one song.

Edit Your Track or Album

In this menu, you can add a title, a caption and artwork, and you can also make it Members Only.

Your options when it comes to adding an audio file are via a DropBox link or directly from the Files folder of your mobile device.

You will see a track highlighted in yellow to indicate that it has not yet been published.

To delete any music you just need to swipe to the left and select “Delete Now”

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